건설기계의 진동/소음 (Vibration and Noise of Gear Systems)
관련 연구과제
친환경 지능형 203mm 급 DTH 천공 시스템 개발, 2014.09-2017.08, 중소기업기술개발사업, 중소기업청
B32S-5 지게차의 진동 저감에 대한 연구, 2006.08-2006.11, 산학연구과제, 두산인프라코어
지게차 구동축의 소음저감에 대한 연구, 2006.02-2006.07, 산학연구과제, 두산인프라코어
디지털 항타관리기(DPRMs)의 진동 영향 평가 측정 정밀도 향상기술 개발, 2005.06-2005.11, 산학연구과제, 삼성건설
Digital Pile Rebound Monitoring 시스템의 진동 영향평가 및 저감대책, 2004.04-2004.12, 산학연구과제, 삼성물산
관련 논문
Dae-Ji Kim, Joo-Young Oh, Jung-Woo Cho, Jaewon Kim, Jintai Chung, Changheon Song, Design study of impact performance of a DTH hammer using PQRSM and numerical simulation, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 33(11), 5589-5602, 2019.
Changheon Song, Jintai Chung, Jae-Sang Cho, Yun-Joo Nam, Optimal design parameters of a percussive drilling system for efficiency improvement, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, Article ID 2346598, 2018.
Changheon Song, Jintai Chung, Jong-Hyoung Kim, Joo-Young Oh, Design optimization of a drifter using the Taguchi method for efficient percussion drilling, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 31(4), 1797-1803, 2017.
Changheon Song, Dae Ji Kim, Jintai Chung, Kang Won Lee, Sang Seuk Kweon, Young Ky Kang, Estimation of impact loads in a hydraulic breaker by transfer path analysis, Shock and Vibration, 2017, Article ID 8564381, 2017.
Changheon Song, Min-Gi Cho, Jin-Young Park, Jae-Wook Lee, Jung-Woo Cho, Hang-Seok Jang, Sang Eun Lee, Jintai Chung, Computational fluid dynamics simulation of coal ash filling in underground mine cavity, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 16(7), 1543-1549, 2015.