구조동역학을 위한 수치계산 (Numerical Computations for Structural Dynamics)

관련 연구과제

  • 동적하중을 받는 구조물에 대한 시간과도응답의 효율적 계산에 관한 연구, 1996.07-1999.06, 과학기술기초중점연구지원사업, 학술진흥재단

  • 시간적분법과 모우드해석법 프로그램 개발, 1995.10-1996.04, 연구용역사업, 한국과학기술연구원 시스템공학연구소

관련 논문

  • Jintai Chung, Eun‐Hyoung Cho, Keeyoung Choi, A priori error estimator of the generalized-alpha method for structural dynamics, International Journal for Numerical Method in Engineering, 57(4), 537-554, 2003.

  • Jintai Chung, Min Joong Kim, Jang Moo Lee, A finite annular plate element with slight deviation for vibration analysis of a nearly axisymmetric disk, JSME Internation Journal, Series C Mechanical Systems, Machine Element and Manufacturing, 45(3), 682-689, 2002.

  • Jintai Chung, Jang Moo Lee, Vibration analysis of nearly axisymmetric shell structure using a new finite ring element, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 219(1), 35-50, 1999.

  • Greg M. Hulbert, Jintai Chung, Explicit time integration algorithms for structural dynamics with optimal numerical dissipation, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 137 (2) 175-188, 1996.

  • Jintai Chung, Jang Moo Lee, A new family of explicit time integration methods for linear and nonlinear structural dynamics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 37(23), 3961-3976, 1994.

  • Jintai Chung, Greg M. Hulbert, A family of single-step Houbolt time integration algorithms for structural dynamics, Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 118(1-2), 1-11, 1994.

  • Greg M. Hulbert, Jintai Chung, The unimportance of the spurious root of time integration algorithms for structural dynamics, Computer Method in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 10(8), 591-597, 1994.

  • Jintai Chung, Greg M. Hulbert, A time integration algorithm for structural dynamics with improved numerical dissipation - the generalized-alpha method, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transaction of the ASME, 60(2), 371-375, 1993.